Monday, May 17, 2010

Lovin' Miss "E".....

I've been thinking about my new daughter-in-law (I still can't believe that I'm a's weird to hear myself say it). Adorable Miss "E" is exactly who I prayed "S" would find. She is already such a strength in our family and we are all almost as smitten with her as her husband is. She handles the ups and downs of life with true wisdom beyond her years. She is soft spoken, but strong. She has a wonderful smile and doesn't take life too seriously. She is an angel....I could go on and on, but I can already imagine her blushing. I'm so glad she's ours. I love you "E"...or as we say in the Hall house - "SSUUURRREEE love ya!"


  1. I have to agree Shannon! I've only known her a little while but she is such a great gal! I love that she is apart of my extend family now too :) Love ya!

  2. Blushing? More like crying! I'm not sure that all of that describes me, but I'm happy to know that's how you see me. It's also wonderful to know that my in laws love me just as much as I love each of you! Thank you so much for posting this. It has really brightened up my week. SURE love ya!
