Friday, May 7, 2010

The Fairy Tale Wedding

Well, I have been so excited to finally write about the wedding!! What an incredible week - I was so fortunate to be able to go up to to Utah a few days early and spend time with "S" and "E". I was there when "E" went through the temple for the first time - what an honor to be there. "S" and I spent some time together that I will always remember and treasure before the rest of the family arrived. And then the actual day arrived....
It was a glorious April Saturday - the sun was shining almost as brightly as "S" and "E" and they both looked amazing. We were joined by so many wonderful family members and even a number of close friends who came all the way from California. "P" and "B" kept their emotions pretty well in check until they saw "S" at the temple all ready to go up and get married - and then they cried like the little girls they are. It was a sweet moment. I have to admit that I thought so much about "R" that day; I know he was with us in spirit and although we missed him a ton (and he would have LOVED the entire day), he is exactly where he needs to be. The sealing was just beautiful and I will always remember the feeling I had during it.
Afterwards, we had pictures outside of the temple and then headed over to El Rancho Grande for a fun luncheon and then it was off to the reception in Lehi.
"E"'s family did such a beautiful job putting the reception together - it was lovely. The food was great and everybody loved the dancing! It was the perfect way to end the day.
"S" and "E" headed off on a honeymoon in Las Vegas and then came down to California for an Open House a week later. We were so happy that they could come spend some time with us!
The Open House turned out exactly as I hoped. I'm so grateful for amazing friends who so willingly stepped in and helped out. Also, a huge shout-out to my sweetheart who hung lights, secured deck railing, planted flowers and everything in between - he, "P" and "B" were terrific.
In short, it was definitely a fairy tale week...and I'm looking forward to the rest of the story.

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