Sunday, July 25, 2010

Missing Modern Family

Dear Claire and Phil,
I REALLY miss you. The only reason I'm anxious for summer to come to an end is so that I can see you again every week. You two remind me way too much of my own marriage - some episodes make me think you are spying on us. I think if I was lining up the perfect neighborhood you guys would be my next door neighbors (and Tim McGraw would live on the other side - you're welcome, Claire). Please come see me soon. Wednesdays became my favorite day of the week and it's just not the same without you and your hilarious family. Hurry back - can't wait to see you!


  1. I've been waiting to get the DVD's from Netflix. I never have time to watch TV so I love getting a whole season at a time from Netflix. Then I can watch whenever I have a few minutes. I've heard it's a great show!

    I'm totally addicted to blogging too! You can do it professionaly, check out Pioneer Woman.

  2. Ok...just one more thing we have in common...I miss that show and can't wait for the new season....I love Modern Family...
